Joola TT-Robot Shorty

Item number JO-21125
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  • Table device with remote control
  • Direct and indirect ball throw
  • Speed and rotation of direct balls are higher than those of indirect balls
  • Different trajectories of the balls are adjustable
  • 9 speed levels
  • Memory function of remote control
  • Speed and ball frequency which were set at last before turning off are saved
  • Diverse scattering angle-adjustments are possible
  • 8 different rotation forms (motor can be pivoted by 180° degree)
  • 9-level ball frequency adjustment (from 25 to 85 balls/min.)
  • Big ball box; can take up to 150 balls
  • Incl. round net for fixation on the table

Easiest use and multi-functionality are the keywords of the new Joola table tennis robot Shorty. Variable speeds, eight different rotation forms, trajectory variations, and oscillation possibilities offer a multitude of training and use possibilities. Net, remote control, big ball box, and easy dis/assembly make the Joola table tennis robot Shorty an essential part of each workout.

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4 of 5 Stars

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Après 3 semaines d'utilisation à raison de 2h par semaines pas de problème. Il y a quelques fois des mauvais lancements de balles mais rien qui empêche de jouer. Seul regret, il n'y a aucun manuel d'instructions pour les différents réglages d'envoi des balles et il faut donc tester pour ajuster les différents modes de jeux ce qui n'est pas simple notamment lorsqu'on débute.

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