Duke Fitness Stepper

Item number DU-STEPPER
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Fitshop Expert Review
Smoothness of Rotation
  • Space-economical stepper for losing weight and keeping fit
  • Very quiet when in use - you can train in front of the television, for instance
  • Maintenance-free magnetic brake system with 8 resistance levels
  • Anti-slip pedals
  • Above all, it trains the legs and buttocks, thus having particularly high calorie consumption
  • Small, clear display with tablet holder
  • Pulse rate monitor: quick and easy heart rate measurement & more effective training towards an optimum heart rate range
  • Lowest | highest pedal position (measured pedal centre): 20 cm | 40 cm
  • Small pedal spacing for an ergonomic foot position
  • Max. user weight: 100 kg
  • Dimensions set-up - Duke Fitness Stepper: (L) 93 cm x (W) 64 cm x (H) 158 cm
  • Technical information:
    • Braking system: manually adjustable magnetic brake
    • Balance mass according to the standard of Fitshop: 7 kg

      When you compare the products, please mind that some manufacturers define differently the balance mass of their crosstrainers. Therefore, the indications can vary among each other. Besides the weights of flywheel, pulley, and caryying wheel respectively cross and blank discs (levelling discs), the indications of balance mass of some manufacturers consider additionally the weights of pedal arms, handle bars, and other parts. This is dubious in our opinion. We define the balance mass as "total weight of flywheel, pulley, carrying wheel respectively cross and blanc discs", which form the rear balance unit.

      Balance mass according to the manufacturer: 0 kg
      Balance mass according to the standard of Fitshop: 7 kg, of it
      • Flywheel: 7 kg
      • Pulley: Not specified by the manufacturer
      • Carrying wheel: Not specified by the manufacturer
      • Cross joint and round blank: Not specified by the manufacturer
      Aspects which are not included in valuation according to the standard of Fitshop:
      • Grip bars (R+L): Not specified by the manufacturer
      • Pedal arm (R+L): Not specified by the manufacturer
      • Other parts: Not specified by the manufacturer

  • Computer:
    • Resistance levels: 8
    • Display: duration, distance, speed, calories, heart rate
    • Display of exercise profiles via LCD
  • Features:
    • Heart rate measurement: hand pulse sensors
    • Battery powered
    • Extras: transport wheels, drinking bottle holder

Step by step to better fitness, a firm bottom and a slimmer waist! With the compact Deluxe Fitness Stepper from Duke Fitness, the leg and buttock muscles, by far the largest muscle group in the body, are the focus. Therefore, the calorie consumption is particularly high and training on the stepper is also great for losing weight.

A dream figure, one step at a time

Training on the Duke Fitness Stepper is suitable for everybody. The device is very quickly assembled and you need not prepare anything for training: you just stand on the device and get started. It's like climbing stairs - only more effective, because you also allow yourself to increase the resistance and the height of step, so the training is also especially good for the bottom . Another advantage over simply climbing stairs is that, when it gets overstrenuous, you can change the resistance or stop without having to reach the next floor.

Listen to your heart whilst you're training with the Duke Fitness Stepper

The fitness stepper glip offers many different hold options, an advantage if people of different sizes want to use the device or if they want to change their hand position during a long session. The built-in hand pulse sensors are really good. When you grasp the sensors, your pulse is shown on the small display and you can better control your training intensity. If your pulse rate gets too high, just turn the resistance level down a little or vice versa.

Manual DU-Stepper

For further information on the warranty, please refer to the manufacturer's terms of warranty. The manufacturer's warranty is an extra service and does not affect your statutory rights.

Manufacturer's warranty Full warranty
Home use 24 months

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5 of 5 Stars

(8 Customer ratings)

Fitshop Expert Review
Smoothness of Rotation

0 persons found this review helpful
Das Produkt für den Preis ausgezeichnet
Excellent appareil
0 persons found this review helpful
Appareil silencieux, ergonomique. Solide. Prends peu de place. Je le recommande
Toujours EXTRA après 57h d 'utilisation
1 person found this review helpful
57h c est le temps passé depuis mon achat, je l'utilise en complément d'un vélo d 'intérieur, et je dois dire que je suis toujours aussi content de cet appareil que je graisse très régulièrement avec une bombe de lubrifiant au silicone comme conseillé. Je le considère plus comme un matériel pro trouvable en salle , que mon vélo d 'appart beaucoup moins fiable d'une autre marque. La seule chose que je conseillerais, est de protéger l'écran avec du cellophane alimentaire pour éviter tout risque d 'entrée de sueur ds l 'appareil, et peut-être pour la suite de mettre un écran plus performant et en rapport avec les qualités globales de l 'appareil, bien que personnellement j'utilise plus ma montre Garmin Venu 2 (une merveille) que l'écran du stepper. Je conseille donc toujours ce stepper sans hésitation. ... [Read more]
0 persons found this review helpful
Matériel à prix très compétitif pour une qualité digne de matériel pro, très fluide pour s 'entraîner ..livraison et emballage au top avec prise de rdv et rappel 30 minutes avant d 'arriver , pas de notice en français dans l'emballage mais disponible en ligne sur cette page..montage seul en 1 peu plus d 'une heure En plus il est très beau. ...ce qui est un plus .
0 persons found this review helpful
Pünktliche Lieferung und einfacher Aufbau zu zweit. Robust: Wie sonst auch von Tiedje in Sachen Qualität gewohnt. Tolles und effektives Training für Po und Beine. TLDR: Absolut empfehlenswert. Wird regelmäßig und fleißig von der ganzen Familie genutzt.
Cross Stepper
9 persons found this review helpful
DUKE FITNESS STEPPE ist für seine Größe wirklich ein geniales Trainingsgerät, sehr effektiv im Training der Oberschenkel und Po :-) mit seiner Schwierigkeitsstufen Einstellung ist das Gerät eine Herausforderung für die Beine, in nur kürzester Zeit geht der Körper in Verbrennungsmodus . Ich war sehr viele Jahre im GYM trainieren, habe dadurch auch einen Vergleich zu den großen Geräten und kann mich nur wiederholen. Der „Kleine“ ist ein tolles Trainingsgerät für zu Hause. Kann ich jedem empfehlen der nur einen geringen Platz zur Verfügung hat aber trotzdem effektiv trainieren möchte. Belastbar bis 120kg ... [Read more]
1 person found this review helpful
Sehr gutes Preis-Leistungsverhältnis! Lieferung und Beratung verlief einwandfrei! Aufbau war innerhalb von 1,5h einfach! Bis jetzt bin ich mit dem Gerät sehr zufrieden
0 persons found this review helpful
Je suis ravi de la qualité de service qu'a effectué Fitshop, le produit est arrivé une semaine après que je l'ai commandé, le montage a été facile. Franchement extrêmement satisfait

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